30 To-Dos On Your Path To Productivity, Happiness and Creativity
I am a very disorganized person. There. I said it. Whenever I make this point, though, people I work with smirk and say, “Yeah, right, sure

30 To-Dos On Your Path To Productivity, Happiness and Creativity
Eden Shochat
October 30, 2019

30 To-Dos On Your Path To Productivity, Happiness and Creativity
Eden Shochat
October 30, 2019
30 To-Dos On Your Path To Productivity, Happiness and Creativity
Eden Shochat
October 30, 2019
I am a very disorganized person. There. I said it. Whenever I make this point, though, people I work with smirk and say, “Yeah, right, sure you are.” I’d say we’re all slightly disorganized and some of us — like me — were once disorganized to a fault.
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