High Fiving Israel’s Entrepreneurs Building Big Companies and New Icons: A response to Sarah Lacy
We, Aleph, were the trigger for Sarah Lacy’s thought-provoking post on the premature celebration of Israel’s arrival as an internet/mobile “

High Fiving Israel’s Entrepreneurs Building Big Companies and New Icons: A response to Sarah Lacy
Michael A. Eisenberg
July 21, 2013

High Fiving Israel’s Entrepreneurs Building Big Companies and New Icons: A response to Sarah Lacy
Michael A. Eisenberg
July 21, 2013
High Fiving Israel’s Entrepreneurs Building Big Companies and New Icons: A response to Sarah Lacy
Michael A. Eisenberg
July 21, 2013
We, Aleph, were the trigger for Sarah Lacy’s thought-provoking post on the premature celebration of Israel’s arrival as an internet/mobile “consumer” powerhouse. Pando Daily’s contributor Mick Weinstein, (full disclosure: He is a good friend and former employee at one of my companies Seeking Alpha) chose to lead his story with Israel’s Start Up communities’ basking in Google’s $1Bn purchase of Waze. He also chose to view it as a harbinger of Israel’s arrival as a consumer powerhouse. This, of course, implied that our fundraising was somehow tied to exit and also caused Sarah to correctly comment that “One $1 billion hit in a decade of attempts doesn’t prove a country as a whole can do consumer.”
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