Your AI Team is Slowing Down Your Company | Eden Shochat, VC
Right now, every company thinks that having a separate AI group is the way to go. That's wrong, says Eden Shochat, VC and Equal Partner and

Right now, every company thinks that having a separate AI group is the way to go. That's wrong, says Eden Shochat, VC and Equal Partner and Aleph. Having AI team is actually a great way to slow down your company. Drawing on personal insights from selling face.com to Facebook a decade ago, Eden argues for a different company structure - one that has a much higher business impact and includes an AI guild, rather than an AI team. Watch Eden's two-minute partner perspective to understand where you're probably going wrong in building your company, and what you should be thinking about doing instead in order to work faster and more efficiently, and prioritize your business's needs.
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