Aleph Wants To Help You Be A Successful Oleh, Sales Edition!
When I first entered the Israeli venture capital business some two decades ago, there were certain canonical beliefs about how to build a su

Aleph Wants To Help You Be A Successful Oleh, Sales Edition!
Michael A. Eisenberg
March 18, 2018

Aleph Wants To Help You Be A Successful Oleh, Sales Edition!
Michael A. Eisenberg
March 18, 2018
Aleph Wants To Help You Be A Successful Oleh, Sales Edition!
Michael A. Eisenberg
March 18, 2018
When I first entered the Israeli venture capital business some two decades ago, there were certain canonical beliefs about how to build a successful Israeli start up. One was, replace the founder with a “professional” CEO, preferably in the United States. Another canonical belief: Sales and marketing leaders and their infrastructure needed to be built in-market. Read: you need to hire all sales and marketing professionals close to your customers. This was particularly true for enterprise software companies.
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