How to Close Your Company | Yael Elad

Businesses close. It's an unfortunate but common reality of entrepreneurship, and not something to be ashamed of. As Yael Elad, Operating Partner and CFO at Aleph, says in this Partner Perspective, it's the birds and the bees conversation of high-tech - and a conversation we have to have. How you go about closing your company depends on multiple factors, such as your reasons for closing (are you going to run out of runway? No product-market fit? Are your investors applying pressure?) and the amount of money your company has to carry you over until you tie up all of the loose ends. Watch the video for Yael's insights into shutting down your company and how to go about it, and follow us here at Aleph as we continue to share the practical advice we give our founders on startup life, the tech ecosystem and the global economy.