Hiring developers? This startup cracked the code — and the glass ceiling
The Israeli developer workforce is known for two conflicting problems. On the one hand, good developers are hard to come by. With demand at

Hiring developers? This startup cracked the code — and the glass ceiling
Saar Kohanovitch
November 16, 2021

Hiring developers? This startup cracked the code — and the glass ceiling
Saar Kohanovitch
November 16, 2021
Hiring developers? This startup cracked the code — and the glass ceiling
Saar Kohanovitch
November 16, 2021
The Israeli developer workforce is known for two conflicting problems. On the one hand, good developers are hard to come by. With demand at an all-time high, high tech companies are paying unprecedented salaries while hunting for the best plug-and-play programmers on the market, people who ideally have several years of experience from reputable high tech companies.
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